Tammy Does The Needful

Adventures in Learning Ruby, JavaScript, and All The Things

ActiveRecord Errors Galore!

So, I had been doing fine through most of the ActiveRecord labs…until I hit the following error:

Pair Programming

Although I have been taking computer science classes on and off for almost 25 years (!!!), one thing I had never done until this week was pair program. I can remember maybe one class ever where I even was supposed to work with a partner – it was Computational Physics, and we were working on some kind of graphical representation of a wavefunction. It wasn’t quite what I would call pair programing – as I recall, we split the work up between us. This is one of many reasons why I’m so happy to be learing with Flatiron – in addition to learning modern frameworks, I am also learning modern industry practices.

Yielding - what on earth?

I have been trying to wrap my head around a concept I was unfamiliar with – yielding. Yielding is where your function yields a variable – not as a return value, but in the middle of whatever it is doing – back to a block outside of the method.

Why did I decide to learn software development?

I went to a specialized STEM high school, so I have actually been coding since I was 15. Back in high school, I learned C++, Lisp, HTML, and even Pascal. For the past many years, I have dedicated my energy to the more “helping” career of K-12 teaching. However, I am an introvert, and I know I cannot sustain the forced extroversion that teaching requires for another 20 or 30 years. Since I always enjoyed coding, I thought that would be a good next career step where I can spend more time alone with a computer and less time supervising students whose hormones are often telling them to do crazy things.